Friday, August 30, 2019
my patient, Mr K presented to the A&E on the 28/8/2019. after i saw him and spoke to him, i told him he had to be admitted that very day, for his fluid overload, b/g IHD s/p CABG with EF 15%.
right after i took his blood tests and inserted a green cannula over the dorsum of his left hand, he asked, "sorry, but may i ask, how long have you worked as a doctor?"
and right there the question triggered an automatic assumption in me not uncommonly made by most doctors: ahh heck, another elderly patient about to comment about how young/junior i am, why are they being reviewed by someone so junior for their "serious ailments", why can't they see a "properly licensed senior doctor", etc etc.
so i mustered up my best polite reply, which also had to be factual, and said, "oh, i'm really not that senior, but also not that young anymore.. i've been working for 5 years now as a doctor, since i graduated.."
to which Mr K replied, "oh, i could tell from the way you speak, and the manner in which you handled me, that you are very experienced. i can also see that you have a lot of passion in your work."
i was stunned, and honestly, pleasantly surprised. he looked at me and continued, "don't ever quit your job. you are in a profession that is next to god - you heal people; you save lives. and this profession dearly needs people like you, who are passionate in their work. i have managed people for the past few decades of my life, and i can tell you, our society needs people like you. so don't ever quit. you will remember me, telling this to you today, because it is a truth that you need to know." he ended with a smile.
i later overheard from a nurse something about "if you have time, his son would like an update, but does not want him to know that he is here". when i tried to find this said son, he was no longer around the hospital. and i have no idea why, or who really Mr K is. i may never, as such is the fleeting nature of human encounters in the A&E.
but yes, i remember you Mr K, and i think i will remember you, for your kind words to me that day, in CC area cubicle 12.
right after i took his blood tests and inserted a green cannula over the dorsum of his left hand, he asked, "sorry, but may i ask, how long have you worked as a doctor?"
and right there the question triggered an automatic assumption in me not uncommonly made by most doctors: ahh heck, another elderly patient about to comment about how young/junior i am, why are they being reviewed by someone so junior for their "serious ailments", why can't they see a "properly licensed senior doctor", etc etc.
so i mustered up my best polite reply, which also had to be factual, and said, "oh, i'm really not that senior, but also not that young anymore.. i've been working for 5 years now as a doctor, since i graduated.."
to which Mr K replied, "oh, i could tell from the way you speak, and the manner in which you handled me, that you are very experienced. i can also see that you have a lot of passion in your work."
i was stunned, and honestly, pleasantly surprised. he looked at me and continued, "don't ever quit your job. you are in a profession that is next to god - you heal people; you save lives. and this profession dearly needs people like you, who are passionate in their work. i have managed people for the past few decades of my life, and i can tell you, our society needs people like you. so don't ever quit. you will remember me, telling this to you today, because it is a truth that you need to know." he ended with a smile.
i later overheard from a nurse something about "if you have time, his son would like an update, but does not want him to know that he is here". when i tried to find this said son, he was no longer around the hospital. and i have no idea why, or who really Mr K is. i may never, as such is the fleeting nature of human encounters in the A&E.
but yes, i remember you Mr K, and i think i will remember you, for your kind words to me that day, in CC area cubicle 12.