Monday, December 31, 2007
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec id nulla. Nullam auctor aliquet neque. Vivamus nonummy velit sit amet felis. Integer felis. Sed pede. Fusce orci. Quisque est. Suspendisse nonummy, nibh vitae pulvinar imperdiet, ipsum odio consectetuer lorem, id dignissim felis diam vel ante. Nam imperdiet, justo ut condimentum gravida, eros nisi tincidunt leo, eu bibendum nulla eros in eros. Donec pharetra nulla at massa. Nulla auctor. In eget ipsum. Pellentesque quis felis. Nullam tempus, tellus id ultrices sagittis, pede lorem eleifend dolor, quis pretium magna arcu at augue. Fusce vel tortor vel dui ultricies imperdiet.
Praesent scelerisque, justo ac pharetra pulvinar, neque turpis bibendum metus, at porttitor sem sapien commodo neque. Nulla vestibulum enim. Donec neque mi, viverra ac, molestie faucibus, volutpat a, nibh. Sed adipiscing sagittis est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum vehicula turpis id purus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas nunc nisl, tempus et, mattis in, aliquet id, ligula. Morbi ut mauris ac lorem semper aliquam. Aliquam leo sem, pulvinar nec, rhoncus id, eleifend non, nisl. Nulla quis massa. Aenean tellus dolor, vulputate rhoncus, dictum non, hendrerit eget, dui. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In nec felis eget nibh venenatis vulputate. Suspendisse egestas odio in eros. Curabitur et elit in purus consectetuer viverra. Fusce vehicula nibh vel risus. Nam commodo lorem at ligula.
Donec vel justo non lectus hendrerit tristique. Praesent ut erat. Proin elementum mattis mauris. In sed purus. Sed magna. Cras ut odio. Curabitur eget tortor ac erat tempus facilisis. Proin volutpat. Aliquam cursus vulputate pede. Vestibulum at dolor id ligula volutpat imperdiet. Etiam euismod, quam sed cursus eleifend, urna metus eleifend turpis, eget porttitor nulla purus in risus. Duis porta tempus libero. Aenean rutrum cursus ligula. Morbi mattis. Vivamus id magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Mauris sit amet metus placerat tellus convallis rutrum. Proin sagittis nisi eu erat.
Praesent sollicitudin. In nonummy pede. Pellentesque rhoncus porta magna. Donec a mauris. Ut fringilla blandit mi. Nam tempus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla facilisi. Nulla porttitor egestas dolor. Morbi a risus. Mauris in augue id risus vulputate condimentum. Morbi magna erat, mattis eu, venenatis non, bibendum ut, est.
Quisque in odio sed quam sollicitudin convallis. Aliquam lobortis facilisis sapien. Fusce eu augue laoreet nunc vestibulum cursus. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus et enim quis lectus egestas luctus. Morbi pharetra lorem ac quam. Maecenas tempus justo a dolor. Pellentesque convallis, pede at fermentum ultrices, massa lorem vehicula tellus, nec varius nisi mi non est. Sed eget arcu. Phasellus placerat pulvinar tortor. Duis tristique tortor. Nunc sem ante, condimentum a, lacinia quis, eleifend euismod, massa. Vestibulum lorem metus, egestas quis, varius sed, tincidunt rhoncus, dolor. Nunc bibendum enim. Praesent et libero gravida odio rutrum aliquam. Duis elit. Aenean semper. Donec non odio.
Suspendisse mauris. Curabitur sollicitudin, justo vitae interdum ultrices, odio sapien commodo felis, sit amet imperdiet mi ligula in nunc. Vivamus vel nibh. Cras vel lorem. Curabitur orci. Nulla ipsum felis, egestas sit amet, ullamcorper a, porttitor sed, augue. Pellentesque convallis, mauris ac ultrices consectetuer, tellus nulla porta nisi, sed tincidunt magna nisl et neque. Vestibulum congue, nisl vitae aliquam vestibulum, tortor tortor faucibus lacus, sit amet gravida ligula nulla a ante. Aliquam eleifend justo sed massa. Aliquam tempus blandit mauris. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis tempor sapien eget est. Curabitur laoreet sapien id ante. Donec viverra, ipsum et ornare euismod, nulla risus placerat ligula, ac convallis lorem eros vitae urna.
Vestibulum volutpat pede vitae pede. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi vitae metus sodales lectus mollis ullamcorper. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Nunc aliquam nibh. In turpis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent vel massa. Praesent sem lorem, tincidunt quis, malesuada at, placerat quis, tellus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse est turpis, cursus eget, congue in, mollis eget, purus. Praesent purus tellus, sodales at, congue varius, tristique at, urna. Curabitur consectetuer elementum urna. Etiam enim ipsum, placerat sed, auctor sit amet, eleifend dictum, orci.
Suspendisse quis augue eu nisl luctus sagittis. Proin adipiscing arcu. Vivamus blandit sem egestas eros. Pellentesque porta. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent elementum ornare magna. Aliquam erat massa, lobortis id, suscipit sit amet, tempor ut, justo. Integer non orci quis lorem facilisis luctus. Suspendisse ante lorem, cursus a, sagittis id, consequat ut, enim. Sed feugiat velit quis massa. Quisque eu orci. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas et enim. Sed nulla felis, scelerisque eget, scelerisque in, pharetra ut, erat. Duis malesuada malesuada nunc. Proin venenatis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer mollis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In convallis quam non erat. Nullam interdum massa id odio. Proin at velit in magna porttitor tempus. Quisque nec erat. Donec faucibus, nibh quis facilisis placerat, magna ligula dapibus diam, quis placerat tellus elit gravida leo. Curabitur nonummy orci sed libero vestibulum dapibus.
In porta turpis quis velit. Integer neque. Etiam magna. Nulla facilisi. Duis ut massa. Aliquam pretium, odio vitae congue rutrum, tortor neque dictum nulla, sodales vehicula augue elit sit amet nulla. Etiam et turpis vitae ante imperdiet blandit. Ut interdum turpis id libero. Morbi ac velit. Ut ac justo in odio accumsan pellentesque.
Donec quis velit aliquet nibh tempus ultricies. In ac sem eu lorem auctor posuere. Suspendisse quam. Donec mi sem, ultricies sed, mattis in, dictum non, leo. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque consequat mauris nec dolor. Phasellus vestibulum tempor diam. Nulla gravida venenatis quam. Nullam eget nunc. Integer ipsum. Aliquam sit amet sem sit amet dolor hendrerit euismod. Suspendisse pellentesque.
Curabitur vestibulum congue nunc. Cras commodo semper augue. Nulla fringilla enim ac sapien. Vestibulum convallis faucibus ante. In ligula. Nulla pretium. In metus. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc pellentesque sem eget velit. Nunc a dolor in ipsum interdum laoreet. Proin ac leo sed tellus tempor sagittis. Nulla vehicula feugiat pede. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus lorem enim, ultricies lobortis, sagittis eu, aliquam nec, est. Aenean malesuada sapien at ligula. Praesent tempor, ipsum sed dapibus convallis, tellus turpis convallis purus, ut aliquam sapien leo a lorem.
Proin adipiscing, arcu non posuere vestibulum, turpis tortor sodales sapien, vulputate fermentum neque dui at nisi. Mauris sem tortor, luctus ac, vestibulum sed, mollis eget, est. Cras risus sem, dapibus ut, cursus eget, sollicitudin quis, justo. Nulla elementum facilisis metus. Aenean nec dolor. Pellentesque pulvinar ipsum a libero. Aliquam et ipsum. Cras vitae nibh. Aliquam ornare sem ut diam. Maecenas accumsan augue et lacus. Donec et augue. Ut ultricies consequat magna. Sed tempus pellentesque metus. Cras id lectus. Phasellus malesuada, felis fermentum interdum mollis, nulla mi mattis nisl, in tristique orci dui fermentum lacus. Etiam ultrices metus id est. Maecenas ut elit. Nulla eu velit ullamcorper est fringilla euismod. Vivamus mattis dignissim ligula.
jnow on the bus i half asleep half away i forgot wat i really wanted to blog about already, but i rmr i listened to garnet and kawanarai mono (which is supp to mean the unchanging one? the site say) and i dunno but i think one chord in garnet suddenly make me think about how time doesnt go back. how i dno, lol its just that feeling i alw get once in a while that i cant express, i think its smth about yea how time cant go back and i'm here now and i cant be where i was before. or smth haha, sian. but qte fitting hor, for the movie and for like this moment lol -.- dying minutes of 2007 for gmt+8, what are you doing?
Praesent scelerisque, justo ac pharetra pulvinar, neque turpis bibendum metus, at porttitor sem sapien commodo neque. Nulla vestibulum enim. Donec neque mi, viverra ac, molestie faucibus, volutpat a, nibh. Sed adipiscing sagittis est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum vehicula turpis id purus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas nunc nisl, tempus et, mattis in, aliquet id, ligula. Morbi ut mauris ac lorem semper aliquam. Aliquam leo sem, pulvinar nec, rhoncus id, eleifend non, nisl. Nulla quis massa. Aenean tellus dolor, vulputate rhoncus, dictum non, hendrerit eget, dui. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In nec felis eget nibh venenatis vulputate. Suspendisse egestas odio in eros. Curabitur et elit in purus consectetuer viverra. Fusce vehicula nibh vel risus. Nam commodo lorem at ligula.
Donec vel justo non lectus hendrerit tristique. Praesent ut erat. Proin elementum mattis mauris. In sed purus. Sed magna. Cras ut odio. Curabitur eget tortor ac erat tempus facilisis. Proin volutpat. Aliquam cursus vulputate pede. Vestibulum at dolor id ligula volutpat imperdiet. Etiam euismod, quam sed cursus eleifend, urna metus eleifend turpis, eget porttitor nulla purus in risus. Duis porta tempus libero. Aenean rutrum cursus ligula. Morbi mattis. Vivamus id magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Mauris sit amet metus placerat tellus convallis rutrum. Proin sagittis nisi eu erat.
Praesent sollicitudin. In nonummy pede. Pellentesque rhoncus porta magna. Donec a mauris. Ut fringilla blandit mi. Nam tempus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla facilisi. Nulla porttitor egestas dolor. Morbi a risus. Mauris in augue id risus vulputate condimentum. Morbi magna erat, mattis eu, venenatis non, bibendum ut, est.
Quisque in odio sed quam sollicitudin convallis. Aliquam lobortis facilisis sapien. Fusce eu augue laoreet nunc vestibulum cursus. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus et enim quis lectus egestas luctus. Morbi pharetra lorem ac quam. Maecenas tempus justo a dolor. Pellentesque convallis, pede at fermentum ultrices, massa lorem vehicula tellus, nec varius nisi mi non est. Sed eget arcu. Phasellus placerat pulvinar tortor. Duis tristique tortor. Nunc sem ante, condimentum a, lacinia quis, eleifend euismod, massa. Vestibulum lorem metus, egestas quis, varius sed, tincidunt rhoncus, dolor. Nunc bibendum enim. Praesent et libero gravida odio rutrum aliquam. Duis elit. Aenean semper. Donec non odio.
Suspendisse mauris. Curabitur sollicitudin, justo vitae interdum ultrices, odio sapien commodo felis, sit amet imperdiet mi ligula in nunc. Vivamus vel nibh. Cras vel lorem. Curabitur orci. Nulla ipsum felis, egestas sit amet, ullamcorper a, porttitor sed, augue. Pellentesque convallis, mauris ac ultrices consectetuer, tellus nulla porta nisi, sed tincidunt magna nisl et neque. Vestibulum congue, nisl vitae aliquam vestibulum, tortor tortor faucibus lacus, sit amet gravida ligula nulla a ante. Aliquam eleifend justo sed massa. Aliquam tempus blandit mauris. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis tempor sapien eget est. Curabitur laoreet sapien id ante. Donec viverra, ipsum et ornare euismod, nulla risus placerat ligula, ac convallis lorem eros vitae urna.
Vestibulum volutpat pede vitae pede. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi vitae metus sodales lectus mollis ullamcorper. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Nunc aliquam nibh. In turpis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent vel massa. Praesent sem lorem, tincidunt quis, malesuada at, placerat quis, tellus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse est turpis, cursus eget, congue in, mollis eget, purus. Praesent purus tellus, sodales at, congue varius, tristique at, urna. Curabitur consectetuer elementum urna. Etiam enim ipsum, placerat sed, auctor sit amet, eleifend dictum, orci.
Suspendisse quis augue eu nisl luctus sagittis. Proin adipiscing arcu. Vivamus blandit sem egestas eros. Pellentesque porta. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent elementum ornare magna. Aliquam erat massa, lobortis id, suscipit sit amet, tempor ut, justo. Integer non orci quis lorem facilisis luctus. Suspendisse ante lorem, cursus a, sagittis id, consequat ut, enim. Sed feugiat velit quis massa. Quisque eu orci. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas et enim. Sed nulla felis, scelerisque eget, scelerisque in, pharetra ut, erat. Duis malesuada malesuada nunc. Proin venenatis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer mollis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In convallis quam non erat. Nullam interdum massa id odio. Proin at velit in magna porttitor tempus. Quisque nec erat. Donec faucibus, nibh quis facilisis placerat, magna ligula dapibus diam, quis placerat tellus elit gravida leo. Curabitur nonummy orci sed libero vestibulum dapibus.
In porta turpis quis velit. Integer neque. Etiam magna. Nulla facilisi. Duis ut massa. Aliquam pretium, odio vitae congue rutrum, tortor neque dictum nulla, sodales vehicula augue elit sit amet nulla. Etiam et turpis vitae ante imperdiet blandit. Ut interdum turpis id libero. Morbi ac velit. Ut ac justo in odio accumsan pellentesque.
Donec quis velit aliquet nibh tempus ultricies. In ac sem eu lorem auctor posuere. Suspendisse quam. Donec mi sem, ultricies sed, mattis in, dictum non, leo. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque consequat mauris nec dolor. Phasellus vestibulum tempor diam. Nulla gravida venenatis quam. Nullam eget nunc. Integer ipsum. Aliquam sit amet sem sit amet dolor hendrerit euismod. Suspendisse pellentesque.
Curabitur vestibulum congue nunc. Cras commodo semper augue. Nulla fringilla enim ac sapien. Vestibulum convallis faucibus ante. In ligula. Nulla pretium. In metus. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc pellentesque sem eget velit. Nunc a dolor in ipsum interdum laoreet. Proin ac leo sed tellus tempor sagittis. Nulla vehicula feugiat pede. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus lorem enim, ultricies lobortis, sagittis eu, aliquam nec, est. Aenean malesuada sapien at ligula. Praesent tempor, ipsum sed dapibus convallis, tellus turpis convallis purus, ut aliquam sapien leo a lorem.
Proin adipiscing, arcu non posuere vestibulum, turpis tortor sodales sapien, vulputate fermentum neque dui at nisi. Mauris sem tortor, luctus ac, vestibulum sed, mollis eget, est. Cras risus sem, dapibus ut, cursus eget, sollicitudin quis, justo. Nulla elementum facilisis metus. Aenean nec dolor. Pellentesque pulvinar ipsum a libero. Aliquam et ipsum. Cras vitae nibh. Aliquam ornare sem ut diam. Maecenas accumsan augue et lacus. Donec et augue. Ut ultricies consequat magna. Sed tempus pellentesque metus. Cras id lectus. Phasellus malesuada, felis fermentum interdum mollis, nulla mi mattis nisl, in tristique orci dui fermentum lacus. Etiam ultrices metus id est. Maecenas ut elit. Nulla eu velit ullamcorper est fringilla euismod. Vivamus mattis dignissim ligula.
jnow on the bus i half asleep half away i forgot wat i really wanted to blog about already, but i rmr i listened to garnet and kawanarai mono (which is supp to mean the unchanging one? the site say) and i dunno but i think one chord in garnet suddenly make me think about how time doesnt go back. how i dno, lol its just that feeling i alw get once in a while that i cant express, i think its smth about yea how time cant go back and i'm here now and i cant be where i was before. or smth haha, sian. but qte fitting hor, for the movie and for like this moment lol -.- dying minutes of 2007 for gmt+8, what are you doing?
Sunday, December 30, 2007
i am talking to shaun ang and we were talking about smp during sec 3 haha. i told him we are going to visit prof choi def. at least before ns. i wonder if we'll really go back to visit him. wonder if he is still there, maybe eating and apple and running r-program. and when i said this to shaun i realise how timeless that scene was to me, because while we would have gone thru sec 4, and probably two years of jc, prof choi (stackp) will be there eating and apple and still running r-program, still rushing off to lectures, probably not seeing anymore future smp students because of how horrible we were haha.. i rmr nus canteen, melon bits ice cream. concurrent session. nus library. trying to guess which is prof choi's car.
birthday problem? you know why we would like to go back and visit prof choi? because we still have his books. wind on down the road lol.
birthday problem? you know why we would like to go back and visit prof choi? because we still have his books. wind on down the road lol.
Friday, December 28, 2007
wat the fuck how come so fast? damn sian. lol as i put pygmalion stuff (?!?!?!) into a box cos they found it somewhere i was like quite bu nai fan in capping the bulging and over crammed box cos i think as humans we just cant wait to see wat bad news is it, wat has just screwed up. yes we want to know. as if that would lessen it, would heal it.
(like u know, when there are car accidents and ppl just get out of their cars and their houses and they're like. omg look at my damage. just. come over and look at my damage. see my damage. wow like it fking heals the damage, maybe if we all look come and look at my damage it'll become better)
sorry that was from dane cook haha, oh the fun to have, we had in sec 2 haha.. oh well, but well sorry before the digress yea, i was qte bu nai fan to see wat shit was in store for me in the .pdf and WOW wat a nice preview haha. nabei. damn fking fast damn sian.
i think as we wind on down the road, all our shadows will be taller than our souls, what do you think haha?
(like u know, when there are car accidents and ppl just get out of their cars and their houses and they're like. omg look at my damage. just. come over and look at my damage. see my damage. wow like it fking heals the damage, maybe if we all look come and look at my damage it'll become better)
sorry that was from dane cook haha, oh the fun to have, we had in sec 2 haha.. oh well, but well sorry before the digress yea, i was qte bu nai fan to see wat shit was in store for me in the .pdf and WOW wat a nice preview haha. nabei. damn fking fast damn sian.
i think as we wind on down the road, all our shadows will be taller than our souls, what do you think haha?
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
lifeless tango lifeless freaking tango wl. its lifeless. the true opposite of love is indifference - why wont you love me?
static is gud and kul.
haha ytd was christmas and it was a great christmas, very happy : D
very tired this morn, lifeless, stiff and just tired i guess.
haha ytd was christmas and it was a great christmas, very happy : D
very tired this morn, lifeless, stiff and just tired i guess.
Monday, December 24, 2007
achilles last stand is one hell of a 10 minutes 25 seconds euphoria-induced drug, literally. heaven knows how they do it wtf. lol perhaps using a stairway! : D dint take breakfast this morning and first thing i did now is to lubricate my stomach with pork lard. which is organic food by the way, pesticide not likely used in the process. its christmas eve today haha, i kinda miss headbanging lol. merry christmas everyone!
like jane who went out to the movies with brock, who liked her, because her boyfriend was a loser and wasnt treating her right. so she went on a date with brock, and called her boyfriend to tell her how much more fun she was having. she even let brock give her a massage when they were in a bar. she liked it, because it felt good. but she didnt love brock. she loved her boyfriend and wanted to make him jealous, so she could get what she wanted from - love, security, and stability. as brock says, she wanted to fry him, and he was log she threw to fuel the fire.
you were right, the true opposite of love is indifference.
you were right, the true opposite of love is indifference.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
whats playing outside right now? that fine song
goodbye, jimmy goodbye
goodbye, jimmy goodbye
i'll see you again, but i don't know when
goodbye, jimmy goodbye
goodbye, jimmy goodbye
goodbye, jimmy goodbye
i'll see you again, but i don't know when
goodbye, jimmy goodbye
Thursday, December 20, 2007
my forearm and back of hand are very warm, because blood flows through them. and yet the blood does no good. they are still pubes. i want to be a butterfly.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
i think theres no such thing in this world as right or wrong things.
theres only things done with taste. or no taste.
wahlao stopit la! : D
theres only things done with taste. or no taste.
wahlao stopit la! : D
Monday, December 17, 2007
you know i was going to try and blog something to just wash the prev post off the latest entry spot but i really have got nth to blog about, and perhaps nth to wash off either haha. except that i was sneezing alot on the way home ytd. and all is silent save for the sneezing. what is it? (:
open your eyes wide, as if any smaller they might suffocate.
look at the plush baby elephant. in the distant future it will be torn to shreds at the local dump.
poor little fluffy the stray cat. soon to be gassed by the veterinarian? or future victim to kitten stomping?
look at the pretty little sunrise. how many murders were committed when that sun once rose? how many rapes, massacres, crimes, just, sins, were commited when that sun once rose?
look at that plastic mattel toy. perhaps, a toy gun. a beep here and a flaboom there. will an angry dad smash it because his son was disobedient? or will an abusive dad smash it because his son was smiling away?
how many babies were punched by their mums. or their dads. before?
isnt it disturbing?
everything beautiful that we once stood for will be destroyed in the most merciless way.
look at the plush baby elephant. in the distant future it will be torn to shreds at the local dump.
poor little fluffy the stray cat. soon to be gassed by the veterinarian? or future victim to kitten stomping?
look at the pretty little sunrise. how many murders were committed when that sun once rose? how many rapes, massacres, crimes, just, sins, were commited when that sun once rose?
look at that plastic mattel toy. perhaps, a toy gun. a beep here and a flaboom there. will an angry dad smash it because his son was disobedient? or will an abusive dad smash it because his son was smiling away?
how many babies were punched by their mums. or their dads. before?
isnt it disturbing?
everything beautiful that we once stood for will be destroyed in the most merciless way.
its another moderately sunny, lemon-yellowy afternoon!
what another? its the one and only. its one of the few afternoons that have sun and is good. really good wind and freaking light blue sky. but still the sun shines hot. felt really damn good. heat and shine never felt this good.
is this how summer is in japan?
guess what i smelt today. i smelt a sandy field, the sandy field where we all ran around in in sec 2, waiting to play soccer.
(no not a synthetic plastic shit littered with rubber track bits and smelling real like nature. and possessing mud.)
i havent smelt this field since 2 years. seriously. i havent seen such an afternoon since sec 2 when i last constantly played soccer.
just to spite me, i smelt kampung istemewa. no longer there next year i heard? i smelt the old canteen. which holds a lot of the memories we share. char siew rice smell no i dowan to get on the bus wtf.
no just in case any idiot thinks that way, i dont miss the place, why would i when it removed the above from us? removed the weird smelling admin classrooms, with grilled windows on the first floor in case ppl climb out, to make nice spacious offices?
i think i miss the people and the memories we shared.
i do. but no leh. however close today's lemon-yellow afternoon was to an afternoon where we were too slow for the astro, it wasnt. it was something else. there was smth about today's lemon-yellow afternoon. i cant tell.
today was a day bathed in beautiful melancholy. i dont know why. the dustiness that everything appeared in in the afternoon? hmm it just felt that way.
what another? its the one and only. its one of the few afternoons that have sun and is good. really good wind and freaking light blue sky. but still the sun shines hot. felt really damn good. heat and shine never felt this good.
is this how summer is in japan?
guess what i smelt today. i smelt a sandy field, the sandy field where we all ran around in in sec 2, waiting to play soccer.
(no not a synthetic plastic shit littered with rubber track bits and smelling real like nature. and possessing mud.)
i havent smelt this field since 2 years. seriously. i havent seen such an afternoon since sec 2 when i last constantly played soccer.
just to spite me, i smelt kampung istemewa. no longer there next year i heard? i smelt the old canteen. which holds a lot of the memories we share. char siew rice smell no i dowan to get on the bus wtf.
no just in case any idiot thinks that way, i dont miss the place, why would i when it removed the above from us? removed the weird smelling admin classrooms, with grilled windows on the first floor in case ppl climb out, to make nice spacious offices?
i think i miss the people and the memories we shared.
i do. but no leh. however close today's lemon-yellow afternoon was to an afternoon where we were too slow for the astro, it wasnt. it was something else. there was smth about today's lemon-yellow afternoon. i cant tell.
today was a day bathed in beautiful melancholy. i dont know why. the dustiness that everything appeared in in the afternoon? hmm it just felt that way.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
this is so stupid and so slow of me but i just had the biggest realization about life. you realise we have all been cheated into living a lie? no one can be happy and content forever, because there is no such thing? whats happiness worth without sadness? and whats success if there weren't letdowns? its all included. they are interdependent and to have the good one you have to have the other bad one.
we have been shortchanged when we purchased this wonderful life; all defects included!
(so i guess that makes those who commit suicide, ppl who want their money back but fail, because good purchased cannot be refunded for cash.)
guess we'll never worm out of it. beat it humans, your lives are doomed to swim in the molten lead pool of misery. open your eyes wide, because you'll never need to close them again.
today i watched men in white (gui ah gui ah!) by kelvin tong. ^^ dvd, local film, heard good reviews (i think) but personally i like it a lot. rly singaporean-tastefully done, very singapore film, a few satirical shots here and there but just not enough, and really really disappointing ending. but on the whole a really good laugh and really interesting and good enough for 88 mins. srsly, it was good haha. : D
been trying to read this stephen king's book when i have time (which isnt much) and i shud be practicing more and more.. i dont get why my new strings as well as my fingertips are wearing out.. because its only been 2 days and i haven't rly spam.. zz irks me, the oxide and the indents on the strings -.- i must practice more and my strings cannot fail me -.- lol.
we have been shortchanged when we purchased this wonderful life; all defects included!
(so i guess that makes those who commit suicide, ppl who want their money back but fail, because good purchased cannot be refunded for cash.)
guess we'll never worm out of it. beat it humans, your lives are doomed to swim in the molten lead pool of misery. open your eyes wide, because you'll never need to close them again.
today i watched men in white (gui ah gui ah!) by kelvin tong. ^^ dvd, local film, heard good reviews (i think) but personally i like it a lot. rly singaporean-tastefully done, very singapore film, a few satirical shots here and there but just not enough, and really really disappointing ending. but on the whole a really good laugh and really interesting and good enough for 88 mins. srsly, it was good haha. : D
been trying to read this stephen king's book when i have time (which isnt much) and i shud be practicing more and more.. i dont get why my new strings as well as my fingertips are wearing out.. because its only been 2 days and i haven't rly spam.. zz irks me, the oxide and the indents on the strings -.- i must practice more and my strings cannot fail me -.- lol.
Friday, December 14, 2007
breathe the air in haha. smells are wonderful, and for me, it evokes and summons the deepest of forgotten memories. and today while walking to the bus stop to go home, i was blessed with a medley of 3 smells. i think its just brilliant how crazy that when i catch a wiff of something it brings back smth good, and always smth good, because bad memories dont involve smell. its wonderful how i smell rain before it falls, and its wonderful how rain smells after it falls. its wonderful to smell the kway chap my dad buys from siglap on a sunday morning before my yamaha jmc lesson, at age 4. wonderful how i smell my gu ma's wonderful softener time to time. and today i had the most weirdest yet pleasant of smells. i smelt the morning dew and fog that lingers on the grasslands next to ecp, the part before we enter eastcoast and soon turn into marine parade when my dad fetches me to school in primary 4. each morning as we rush to meet our respective bells, because the dust and dirt of the air settles over quiet night and morning air is fresh once more. my first year at tao nan was primary 4. and i smelt - the best - the smell of the ikea catalogs, those i pages of personal study tables and double decker beds, which i paw and sniff and dreamt of owning when i was. maybe 5. most peculiar, and one which i have not smelt in really, a decade. an ikea catalog.
our feet today, carries us to places faster than we can stop and think, and we fail to taste the cloves in our curry, the red dates in our cheng tng, and the wolfberries in gu ma's ginseng soup.
(it was gu ma's bday a few days ago and shame plagues me because all three of us did not get her anything. i got her something from japan. but when can i pass it to her?)
"the community we live in today is wow, great, full of fakes and superficials.
let us not judge a book until we see its cover, you say.
the truth is, our good childhood is readily fed to the wolves in hasty desire to grow up. i look down on these people because our childhood was more true to any of us than any of your appearances and dress sense. dont like the very real fact that now, this place that used to have damn good, damn anticipating 9 o'clock dramas, every one has a very beautiful paper degree because it 'is now the norm'. i belong to a place where dreams come true, because people are brave enough to pursue them, and others are tolerant enough to accept them. not some shithole that worships satan and his ideals, yet are too 败类 and hum ji to be god's forsaken children.
we have bred a generation of weaklings. say what you mean and do what you say."
you no dont even think about it. you are not my one-use disposable pregnancy kit. a sign
nope nothing bad happened today haha in fact it was a good day >< ^^ i've just been thinking about all our lives, and i find it alarming, dont you? (: i'm very tired zz haha i dint pract much today.. tmr i need to pract more i rly must..
our feet today, carries us to places faster than we can stop and think, and we fail to taste the cloves in our curry, the red dates in our cheng tng, and the wolfberries in gu ma's ginseng soup.
(it was gu ma's bday a few days ago and shame plagues me because all three of us did not get her anything. i got her something from japan. but when can i pass it to her?)
"the community we live in today is wow, great, full of fakes and superficials.
let us not judge a book until we see its cover, you say.
the truth is, our good childhood is readily fed to the wolves in hasty desire to grow up. i look down on these people because our childhood was more true to any of us than any of your appearances and dress sense. dont like the very real fact that now, this place that used to have damn good, damn anticipating 9 o'clock dramas, every one has a very beautiful paper degree because it 'is now the norm'. i belong to a place where dreams come true, because people are brave enough to pursue them, and others are tolerant enough to accept them. not some shithole that worships satan and his ideals, yet are too 败类 and hum ji to be god's forsaken children.
we have bred a generation of weaklings. say what you mean and do what you say."
you no dont even think about it. you are not my one-use disposable pregnancy kit. a sign
nope nothing bad happened today haha in fact it was a good day >< ^^ i've just been thinking about all our lives, and i find it alarming, dont you? (: i'm very tired zz haha i dint pract much today.. tmr i need to pract more i rly must..
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
i have 4 years and thats it.
they say you have to hit it before you reach 20, after that its too old. too bad you just teach. no more for you.
i really just have 4 years and thats it. wtf?
i'm a very lucky kid. rly rly lucky. and i need to do like mad. today sucked. today really sucked. or maybe its the iron oxide. it better be, but i wont take it as that so i'm not changing til next mon. but i will spam until than.
siao damn sian. today better not be 'my day' cos then its likely tmr and on i will be able to do better. i better do better.
but before that i shall bathe.. then i go spam. i damn suck wtf.
4 years..
they say you have to hit it before you reach 20, after that its too old. too bad you just teach. no more for you.
i really just have 4 years and thats it. wtf?
i'm a very lucky kid. rly rly lucky. and i need to do like mad. today sucked. today really sucked. or maybe its the iron oxide. it better be, but i wont take it as that so i'm not changing til next mon. but i will spam until than.
siao damn sian. today better not be 'my day' cos then its likely tmr and on i will be able to do better. i better do better.
but before that i shall bathe.. then i go spam. i damn suck wtf.
4 years..
Friday, December 07, 2007

Cyanide & Happiness @
have you ever. stalked someone mentally? what does it mean?
do you think i could be sneezing, right then right now?
why did the rain in bugis smell like the softener my aunt used?
guitar seminars this few days, realised how much i sucked at guitar, as well as how poor i am. all i took for notes during today's masterclass was 'work harder.' srs.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
tyler advocates and questions, isnt it better to be hated by god than to be forgotten by him? isnt it better to get attention from him than none of any kind? (fight club, chuck palahniuk)
is he undoing a man?
notice how raindrops get blown on a journey along the windscreen of a moving vehicle? they look like giant deranged sperms just making their way down, and each trail they leave behind becomes droplets of their own which will become sperms of their own. how intriguing is that!
how does something as healthy as cold french fries, which gott cursed and abused and wasted to the bin, taste just like the altruistic love my father has for me?
how does a few grand, a 5 dollar note, a one dollar coin, reflect the kind eyes a mother has for her child? a soldier-like yet jolly immediate response to a request, reflect respect a young kid has for his/her older brother?
it was immediate, unquestioned kind help to a request.
how long will this goodness last?
as we wind on down the road, our shadows will be taller than out souls. (stairway to heaven, led zeppelin)
just back from japan. lazy to blog about the happenings, but you must know that it was fun, it was really really fun and unforgettable. late autumn was as beautiful as they draw it in manga, god shortchanges us and lets darkness fall before 5. really really a sight to behold though. the earth is blessed with as much beauty as shit, nonetheless. japan was like a dream come true, some fantasy where everyth we wanted could happen. i will study there, live there, and eventually become a farmer in new zealand.
speaking of which seminars start tmr, masterclass the day after? what am i to be playing my goodness.
i am not enslaved but in turn i am free. i must be. my only worry is the stairway. or lack thereof. but i am free and, about the stairway, from there i would know.
is he undoing a man?
notice how raindrops get blown on a journey along the windscreen of a moving vehicle? they look like giant deranged sperms just making their way down, and each trail they leave behind becomes droplets of their own which will become sperms of their own. how intriguing is that!
how does something as healthy as cold french fries, which gott cursed and abused and wasted to the bin, taste just like the altruistic love my father has for me?
how does a few grand, a 5 dollar note, a one dollar coin, reflect the kind eyes a mother has for her child? a soldier-like yet jolly immediate response to a request, reflect respect a young kid has for his/her older brother?
it was immediate, unquestioned kind help to a request.
how long will this goodness last?
as we wind on down the road, our shadows will be taller than out souls. (stairway to heaven, led zeppelin)
just back from japan. lazy to blog about the happenings, but you must know that it was fun, it was really really fun and unforgettable. late autumn was as beautiful as they draw it in manga, god shortchanges us and lets darkness fall before 5. really really a sight to behold though. the earth is blessed with as much beauty as shit, nonetheless. japan was like a dream come true, some fantasy where everyth we wanted could happen. i will study there, live there, and eventually become a farmer in new zealand.
speaking of which seminars start tmr, masterclass the day after? what am i to be playing my goodness.
i am not enslaved but in turn i am free. i must be. my only worry is the stairway. or lack thereof. but i am free and, about the stairway, from there i would know.